Take Your Parents to the Playground Day
PDPlay’s National Day For Children Back in 2009, PDPlay established a national day for children to get outdoors and take their parents to their workplace–the playground! Falling annually on »
PDPlay’s National Day For Children Back in 2009, PDPlay established a national day for children to get outdoors and take their parents to their workplace–the playground! Falling annually on »
Throughout the years, we’ve designed and built numerous natural and commercial playgrounds for schools, community centers, daycares, and more, and as with most purchases, one of the first questions »
Outdoor Learning Environments We love it when we create new Outdoor Learning Environments at a childcare facility where the kids get involved in the construction. It helps to broaden »
Custom Design-Build PDPlay was recently selected to design and build a custom outdoor fitness course for San Marcos High School in San Marcos, CA. The course included specially made »
Partnering with the Armed Forces Last year, we were awarded a contract by the U.S. Navy to build natural playgrounds at four separate bases in the U.S. for the »
PIP Turtle for Infant Playgrounds You already know that PDPlay manufactures and installs state of the art rubber poured-in-place rubberized surfacing, but did you also know we can create »
What makes a recycled playground? You already know that PDPlay builds playgrounds from recycled milk jugs, but did you also know that we can build them from recycled toothpaste »